
Upcoming Events

Mentorship is here! Sign up to be a mentee if you’re an underclassman looking for guidance and/or support with the Sophomore Portfolio Review, or sign up to be a mentor if you’ve passed the Sophomore Portfolio Review and are eager to help someone in the program!

Sign up here to be a Mentee and make a helpful new friend!
Sign up here to be a Mentor and share your wisdom with your fellow students!

Mandatory video and q+a sessions

Part 1

Watch the video posted above on either mmhmm (with chapters) or on PSU Media Space/Kaltura.

Part II

Attend one of the listed Q&A sessions (be sure to watch the video BEFORE attending the Q&A session).

Info Sessions will be held on:
Wednesday, February 15 at noon
Tuesday, March 7 at noon
Wednesday, April 19 at noon
Location: Zoom at

Page designed by: Kendall Wright